Friday, November 2, 2007

Kids Darth Vader and Cockroaches

Last night Dennis went back to the sleep clinic. Not because he snores which he does GRANDLY, but because he frequently stops snoring - gasps for breath - andf then resumes snoring. The first overnight confirmed what I have been saying, SOOOO at $2,400 (?) per night he was invited back to wear a Darth Vader type mask that is supposed to solve the problem and give him a bright eyed and bushy tailed disposition upon awakening. For what they charge it is the least that he can expect.

Since he was going to be gone anyway, I offered to watch both of Christy's kids ( my surrogate Grandkids) They were really GREAT. They slept and I was sleepless waiting for them to wake up. Again, kids are only great for someone other than parents and it is ABSOLUTELY NO reflection on the parents ! It just is the way it is. I LOVE the grandparent role. Christy on her exciting night without kids went to bed at 8 pm.

The cockroach part came in this am. Dennis came back from the sleep clinic at 5:30 am. . For what they charge they could have at least let him sleep in. Anyway, after he stumbled into bed (without the Darth Vader mask that was supposed to help him sleep,) he had no trouble catching a few extra winks before heading to work. I came across a cockroach the size of Kansas just inside our front door. It reminded me of a call from Liz a few yers ago. It was late and she had fallen asleep on the sofa only to awaken eyeball to eyeball with just such a critter. That was the year she got a BUG VAC for xmas.

When Dennis finally awoke and I told him of my encounter. (The Roach was on his back legs twithcing in the air), Dennis's comment was " Now do you believe me that it's time for you to do a good cleaning.'


That being said, Jacob and I are preparing a proper funeral for the recently deceased critter, Do cockroaches make good fertilizer ?


Liz and Kurt said...

Hmmm... I just decided I like Virginia since we haven't had a cockroach in the house yet. I take that back, I forgot about the one that fell from the ceiling in the Ladies room at work and tried to attack me while I was going to the bathroom. I guess I won't be safe anywhere.

DougE said...

Note to Self:

X-mas Gifts for Liz

A Bug's Life
Them (1950's Monster Movie w/ Giant Ants)
Mothra vs Godzilla
Charlotte's Web

Fly swatter

DougE said...

On another note,


I, too, snore, and have had the occasional bouts of sleep apnea.

Want to know what's helped?
Losing 80+ lbs.

See if losing a little weight helps w/ the snoring/apnea.

Please remit $600 to Dr. Doug for this diagnosis.

Unknown said...

Same thing happens to me. I put on a couple of pounds and I start to snore like a banshee. I keep Shellie up all night with my constant buzz-sawing.

So, she stops feeding me for a couple of days, I drop a few pounds and the snoring stops.

So, stop eating. That should fix your snoring problem.

I'll only charge $300 for this advice.