Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Getting Dennis to wear this "Pajama" costume got him "GET OUT OF TROUBLE FREE" till Thanksgiving. It was worth it. Thanks Mari for the loan of the slippers

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Introducing Mr. Jacob Hollywood

Earlier this month, Day Care Kid Jacob ( unusually good natured for 2 1/2) came down with a virus that went straight to his ears. After several days of fussing at day care and keeping his Mom up all night, he put his hands on his hips. Looked his Mom straight in the eye and announced "MY EARS HURT BAD!. ( Jacob is just now starting to talk and this is by far the most complicated utterance in his 2 1/2 years.) Mom rushed him to the Dr. who agreed with Jacob that his ears were in deed in need of help. Extreme guilt on both Mom's and my part.

He passed the bug on to baby brother Ryan who in spite of 2 trips to emergicare ( family Dr only works 4 days per week) in three days (where he was pronounced hale and hardy) proceeded to scream non stop for three days. The result of screaming for three days was a complete loss of voice which after three days seemed like a blessing. A trip to his regular Dr on Day 4 finally comfirmed bronchittus. Shame on you emergicare Dr.

On to the Hollywood part of all of this.

Everyone was well, happy and healthy until Jacob apparently became bored with the painting swimming, clay ball playing etc routine of daycare and normal big brother treatment at home. He started tugging at his ear. whining. crying, throwing himself onto the floor in agony and getting his mother up at night whenever baby brother was too exhausted to do the job.

Doubtful Thomas that I am, I suspected deception until a dose of tylenol restored Jacob to his usual cheery self.

After 4 nights of NO sleep, Mom, Christy, dragged herself and two kids to the Dr. for a checkup. Baby got his baby shots and Jacob got a nomination for an OSCAR. His ears are fine.

His Mom and I are Frazzled from his Oscor quality performance. It's good that we live near Hollywood. Burbank is just down the road. He is a shoe in. Watch out Jackie ! your kids have competition on the way as far as acting goes.

I sure hope Jacob remembers who watched him when he was 2 1/2 as he accepts his acting awards.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall Grizzlies

Have you noticed that kids and people in general have been grizzley lately?

When Doug and I were in Costco this weekend, the box girl was complaining: "Did you see that kid just ahead of you? I said your'e a cute kid and he replied 'NO I'M NOT !! I DON'T LIKE YOU ! " I was just trying to be friendly!"

Today at Ralphs I said the same thing to a little boy behind me in line and got spit at. His Mom said "Sorry ! Kids will be kids and for some reason he has been really grizzley lately"

2 year old Jacob who I watch loves brushing his teeth after breakfast with Dennis and spitting into the sink. He recently tried spitting at ME. He only tried spitting at me once and had one warning that only tired kids spit. And that if he did it again he would have a date with the sleep mat. So far he hasn't tried it again. Even without spitting he remained in a grizzley mood saying "NO" to everything except chocolate pudding . (He may have been grizzley but he wasn't a dummy"

I love people watching. For the most part Californians smile a lot. (Maybe they love the sun shine and warm weather or maybe they are just crazy)

Dad and I both have noticed that Pennsylvanians as a whole (Weavers, you are an exception) scowl a lot and rarely say please or thankyou.

We haven't spent enough time in Va or N.C. to make any valid observations

What I have noticed lately is that even usually cheery Californians seem grumpy. It is hard to tell with Dad. He is generally grumpy so I don't know whether to blame it on his Pa. roots or just the shorter Fall days. The scary thing is that he is one of the HAPPIER people that I have come in contact with lately.

Maybe it is because the extensions for filing income taxes ran out today. Maybe it is the shorter hours of Daylight. Maybe moms are grizzley because their little darlings are back in school and and they miss them (probably not) Or maybe the human race isn't as highly evolved as we would like to believe and like the grizzley bears are just grumpy because they are tired from the long busy summer days and are getting weary like tired kids and are wishing that winter hibernation time would hurry up.

What ever the reason, I hope you all don't fit into the grizzley group. Enjoy the fall. Winter summer and spring. I hope Dad and I have lots and lots more of them to ,grizzle thru

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gabes Costume

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

last costume pix from ago

still more costumes

more family costumes

more family costumes

family costumes conquered!

i'm holding a short guy, riley. and am typing one fingered. so no caps etc. here is the gabe costume that was giving mari angst, i think he is really cute. i'll try to post some of the other family costume pix now that ethel computer is cooperating. i just hope short guy, riley does the same

Monday, October 8, 2007

Things That Go Moo In The Night

Bob, Shelli and Doug are all battling a RAT invasion. Vegas Dog (Doug's) likes to bark at the nocturnal creatures. Doug decided to solve the problem by setting a trap. Great Idea ? Only if the critter is smaller than the trap. On Friday (?) night at 2am, trap went snap ! Critter went SQUEEL, SQUEEL, SQUEEL for about 20 minutes before disappearing into Doug's closet. On Saturday, Doug and Bob, manned with machettes and Grandson's light sabre ventured into the walk in closet to finish the now silent critter off. Critter was deceased. Doug and Bob were relieved. Light sabre is still at the ready. I just don't understand why Dog and Master didn't deal with critter Fri. night. Perhaps because light sabre was next door with grandson. At least now I know what to give Doug for Christmas.

Prior to hearing about sons' critter adventures I was going to lament kid toys whose batteries run down and turn themselves on in the middle of the night. Complaining about hearing "Elmo's Song" and Moos in the middle of the night seems pretty tame compared to what is going on DOWN in Capo Beach.

We got our Halloween decorations up this weekend. I'll see if Ethel the computer will cooperate and I'll post a PICTURE.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Blogging and Infants dont Mix

I've been trying to find time to write about the awesome time that Dad and I had at Disneyland with Bob and family. Two infants and Jacob (2) seem to take up every spare minute of the day even tho I get up at 5 am. Or maybe it is the cooking, cleaning, laundry etc. etc. I think I will just have to give up the cleaning and laundry and the etc. etc,

Bob and Shelli have Disneyland down to a science. We got on about a dozen rides in the 9 hours that we were in the park and even had time to eat two meals and go potty too.

BREAKING NEWS Now that I am officially OLD, I have discovered that I LOVE roller coasters! Space Mt. was great. I used to throw up on the Ortega and now even the Matterhorn is fun. Liz and Kurt watch out I want to ride the Griffin

The highlight of the day was Jedi training camp where Isaac was chosen to fight Darth Magna (?) a REALLY scary black and red dude who REALLY knew how to handle a light sabre.

One of the short guys (aka infants) just decided that nap time is over. Call me if you want to hear more about Disneyland. I could talk for hours about our day. Remember to talk to Bob about Disneyland's Fast Passes. They are new since Dennis and I were last at the park and they really make the experience great!

Next blog is going to be "Batteries and things that go Moo in the Night!" At least that is my intended topic If I get to write again before I forget what Batteries and Cows have in common.

Monday, October 1, 2007

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

How to title this blog? Blue tooth looking for a mouse? ( It took me five minutes and a call to Mari to get past this) or Roomba Returns! (Thanks Jacob , I'll have to clean under our bed more often) Corned Beef Jerkey ( you REALLY don't want to know) or Why toaster ovens are made of metal (AGAIN you REALLY don't want to know) or Restaurant Inspection Violations (And Mari thinks that her newspaper's Baby Name column is interesting) or WOW!!! DISNEYLAND!!!!! It is the LAST hands down!

Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou Bob Shelli and Issac! for one of the most wonderful days that I've had in a long, long time! I'm a kid at heart ( I do TRY to stuff it down for Dennis's sake) Our Sunday at Disneyland was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last time we were there was 20 years ago (No wonder the bamboo in Adventureland seems taller.

The other options in what to title this blog will have to wait.

Our whole weekend was pretty great! Dennis and I left for Capo around 4:30 on Friday. One Day care kid was supposed to leave around 2 o'clock but the battery on his Mom's watch must have worn down. Since the snails on the side of the I 5 were passing us Dennis offered to stop at Red Lobster for the all you can eat ENDLESS SHRIMPFEST! Having enjoyed the LOBSTERFEST How could I refuse. Except for an upset stomach as a result of eating the ends of Dennis's endless shrimp (they are crunchy and I REALLY like them) as well as my whole shrimp, ends included ,it was a great start to the weekend.

Saturday morning was spent with daughter-in-law Shelli. (Thankyou Shelli - I REALLY craved ADULT conversation!) Xmas shopping and Halloween Costume shopping. Isaac is going to be a SOMETHING REALLY COOL from Starwars. (I can't remember what. But ) He will look really COOL. I saw some costumes that I LOVED for Dennis that he would HATE. He needs to dress up for work and resists till the last minute. (Last year's turkey) How about some suggestions. The Finance Guy was a Sugar Daddy Candy. So come up with something that REALLY shows Dennis's character. How did the survey for C.C.'s costume end up ?

Prior to leaving the house on Saturday Isaac handed me a catalogue and specified exactly which lego sets he would like for Xmas and instructed me NOT to listen to Dennis NOR Mom because they don't listen as good as they should. He repeated this three times. Do think that the repetitions were a message that my listening skills need improving as well? We never found the Legos, but we did find other fun stuff for almost everyone else.

I got to see Isaac's Kdg schoolwork and with his computer skills (aka video games) it won't be long before he is ordering his own Xmas gifts on line and charging them to SANTA's account ( Watch out Bob and Grandpa!)


As I said before it has bee 20 (scary how the time passes) years since we were last at Disneyland. Isn't it abuse to keep my inner child away from such a great place when we live so close ? DENNIS???

Disneyland was even better than I remembered it. Probably because we were with Isaac. I'm looking fwd to return visits with Micaela and C.C. and Kermit and Alfrd/Alfreda.

Thank goodness that Bob and Shelli were smart enough to get year passes and to enjoy touristy vacation stuff (see Cheerio blog) They also know how to get on 12 rides in 9 hours and have the time to eat and go Potty too..Fast Pass is the Greatest invention since hand sanitizer. I actually carry some in my purse but Shelli beat me to it.

Dennis just came home for dinner so our Disneyland Adventure recap will have to wait until tomorrow. I'll try to fwd some pictures on email if Ethel gets stubborn (like she did on the Halloween costumes - my favorites that didn't get sent were Gabe wearing a Cowboy Hat and nothinfg else chewing on a straw , Kurt in Mari's Pink pants and Isaac as a toilet)

Until tomorrow