Monday, October 8, 2007

Things That Go Moo In The Night

Bob, Shelli and Doug are all battling a RAT invasion. Vegas Dog (Doug's) likes to bark at the nocturnal creatures. Doug decided to solve the problem by setting a trap. Great Idea ? Only if the critter is smaller than the trap. On Friday (?) night at 2am, trap went snap ! Critter went SQUEEL, SQUEEL, SQUEEL for about 20 minutes before disappearing into Doug's closet. On Saturday, Doug and Bob, manned with machettes and Grandson's light sabre ventured into the walk in closet to finish the now silent critter off. Critter was deceased. Doug and Bob were relieved. Light sabre is still at the ready. I just don't understand why Dog and Master didn't deal with critter Fri. night. Perhaps because light sabre was next door with grandson. At least now I know what to give Doug for Christmas.

Prior to hearing about sons' critter adventures I was going to lament kid toys whose batteries run down and turn themselves on in the middle of the night. Complaining about hearing "Elmo's Song" and Moos in the middle of the night seems pretty tame compared to what is going on DOWN in Capo Beach.

We got our Halloween decorations up this weekend. I'll see if Ethel the computer will cooperate and I'll post a PICTURE.


Liz and Kurt said...

Great - that's just what I want to hear. I love rats. Seeing as how the last rat I saw down there was the size of our dogs, you might want the big traps. I'll take things that moo in the night over things that squeel.

DougE said...

Mom has a tendency to exaggerate a bit Liz. It wasn't a monster rat, the body was recovered. The reason I didn't deal with it at 2 am on Friday morning was because it was 2 am on Friday morning & required unpacking the closet to get at it. Not something I'm interested in doing at 2 am, especially when he was still in the process of dying rather than being totally dead.

Mari said...

That is so gross. You need a more deadly trap that will kill it instantly. Eww.

Misty said...

Aww... poor little puppy-rat.

DougE said...

The other two times the trap worked, it was an instant kill. I guess that one just got into the trap in a way that it didn't do the job correctly.