Monday, September 17, 2007

an A B C weekend (ants, blogs, cars)

The crib notes for yesterday's (first ever) Blog were written on my "to do/grocery" list for Monday. The notes were written right between the word "ANTS" (We have a problem!! Walk into our kitchen and you have creepy crawley black sox on your formerly nare feet! CORRECTION! I have creepy crawley black ant sox on MY bare feet. Dennis' idea of bare feet is combat boots withOUT sox.) Berries and Rubber Duckies.

My lists can be very interesting even to me. Especially if I don't complete them quickly and forget why I noted the things that I do. What recipe has rubber duckies as an ingredient? Oh well.

This past weekend Dennis and I went to the L.A. Harbor Lobster Festival in San Pedro. It is advertized as being the world's largest with13 Tons of lobster being cooked. We sure ate our share. I can't wait for all of the grandkids to be old enough to enjoy it. Isaac would have loved the pirates amd so would Micaela but Caroline is a bit on the small side.

From there we went on to the Route 66 Rendezvous in San Bernadino. Cars Cars and more Cars. Dennis would have liked to have been in the 66 Galaxie but we were on the comfy easy to park Goldwing motorcycle , so "tough luck Charlie" Dennis. After walking around (and taking pix) for 3 1/2 houra my feet were crying MERCY! They aren't use to being confined in closed toe shoes. Dennis MUST have heard them because at about 6:30 pm we hopped on the Cycle and headed to the Bass Pro Shop Restaurant for dinner.

No vennison or Alligator this time. Just a great fish (grouper) sandwich

Thanks Genius Kid Mari (one of 4 if you don't count the grandkids) for your help in setting this blogspot up for Dad and me. Dad is hoping that it will relieve him of having to talk with me at odd hours of the day and night. Especially when he is brushing his teeth. Good luck!

My only problem with it is "What will we all talk about on the phone? once every one knows what exciting things we are doing."

If Mari can talk computer illiterate me thru the process, I'll post some pix of our weekend.


Mari said...

Gabe & I are laughing at the rubber duck recipe. I'm sure you could come up with something!

Liz and Kurt said...

Good job mom, I like your blog. The alfred/alfreda ticker has raise questions though since I haven't quite gotten around to telling all our friends the news yet. No more procratinating for me :)

ReAnnon said...

Great! I laughed at the idea of you walking around with no shoes and ants. Its nice to know whats going on in your life because we don't talk on the phone everyday:)