Friday, December 28, 2007


Daughter Liz and husband Kurt's pre Christmas visit was so short I almost forgot to thank them also for their wonderful gifts (the stained glass wreath is a year round decoration as will be the Xmas lights on the house if D.A.E. doesn't get around to taking them down.) and the house cleaning. We are REALLY looking forward to your 18 months of Grad school here and getting to know the newest Weaver. Thank you , Thankyou, Thankyou

Dad and I are the luckiest people in the world to have such great kids and their families. Thankyou for being the giving people that you all are.

Just an Observation

The times in my life when I've been the happiest are the times when I've put the wants and needs of others to the forefront. No wonder I LOVE Christmas. When I think of " I , I , I" ( as in I am tired, I don't feel good I WANT) Nothing and No one (especially husband ) is good enough.

Having said that... Daughter and husband Gabe should be the happiest holiday travelers ever,

Mari and Gabe, after a sleepless night in Raleigh N.C. traveled about 3000 miles with a very active toddler to geve two sets of Grandparents and other assorted relatives a VERY wonderful Christmas.

The Travel weary Higerd Trio got off of the airplane to two days of rain and cold. The 1st real rain Cali. has had in months, As well as cases of a particularly bad stomach flu. Mari's comment was " I had the flu three times with Caroline! This is only the 1st with Anabelle" Gabe rallied enough to go to a very exciting (even tho Navy lost) Football game in San Diego with Dennis. And Mari and I managed several trips to the Mall without her throwing up on any other shoppers.

For Christmas the family drove 350 miles (with the same "I DON'T like to sit still toddler) to Mammoth and Gabes parents house. Up there it wasn't the Dynamic Trio who were sick but their hosts. Add that to the altitude change and the colds that the three were suffering and they still managed to focus the fun stuff that they did.

There is some truth to the song "There is no place like home for the holidays". I'm sure staying in N.C. would have been a lot less stressful and exhausting. Thank you Mari, Gabe and C.C. for putting all of us ahead of yourselves and making this a wonderful Christmas for us. You are the greatest and we love you for putting visiting Calif. for the holidays before your holiday ease.

I don't want to forget to thank the rest of our family for contributing to a great Christmas too. Bob, Doug and Family for gifts and the wonderful Front yard renovation and all of the help and sharing and cooperation that made this holiday a special one.

I wish I could get a picture of Mari, Gabe and C,C, kissing the ground at Raleigh Airport upon their return. It takes a great trip to make you appreciate home as well.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lots of good - Not enough time

I only have a few minutes while the D,C, (Direct current is as accurate as Day care) kids are asleep. Sooo here goes.

After a really WONDERFUL BUSY trip East Dennis and I are trying to settle into a routine. A Christmas Parade at his work, and a teaching assignment at the motorcycle safety school kind of interrupted the easy routine that we each envisioned.

The LOTS OF GOOD in the title of this blog refers to our sons and grand son and daughter-in-law Shelli's Early christmas present to Dennis and me. My One Biggest and longest wished for dream is and has always been to have a finished house - front yard in particular. While we were East. The Capo Crew went to work and gave me my dream. It is almost complete and I LOVE IT!!!!! I didn't bring along "Lucy" the camera with me when we made our quick trip south for DAE's teaching assignment but you could probably hear me on the East Coast yelling "OH ! LOOK ! OH MY GOSH ! ETC. It is really spectacular. It even includes a fountain by the front door. I'll be sure to bring her this coming weekend when we head South again to visit with Liz and Kurt.

Other Good was DAE putting up Xmas lights on not only Gabe and Mari's N.C. house but also our Montrose house. He grumbled a bit but they look awesome and and the DC kids love them. Only one house (Capo) to go decorating wise.

This time of year is soooo busy it takes a real effort to slow down and appreciate the wonder and the people that make this time of year special. Thankyou to all of you reading this for JUST BEING YOU. YOU are the wonder and the ones that make every day special. Happy today and Tomorrow and everyday from now on. And a SPECIAL thank you to our kids, not only for the yard but for just being the wonderful people that you are.